One Hundred-Word Wonders is a writing prompt that celebrates the marvel of storytelling in a concise form. Within the realm of micro-fiction, writers have mastered the art of crafting complete narratives in just a few sentences.
These bite-sized pieces should showcase the power of brevity, leaving readers in awe of the vast landscapes painted within a mere hundred words. So, how can a story be effectively told in such a limited space? Let's explore the possibilities together.
The word prompt and theme today:
Write in exactly 100 words a story, poem, or creative non-fiction in any genre, using the theme, prompt word, or both. The 100-word count does not include the title. Please use WordCounter or your writing software to ensure your piece is exactly 100 words.
Place (copy and paste) your 100-word response to the prompt with its title in a comment below. If you’d rather, publish on your Substack site or in Notes with a link to this page.
Tap those little hearts on responses in the comment section, if you are moved to do so.
These prompts don’t have a deadline.
My response is included below. (I wrote it after watching the movie, The Fall Guy, with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt for the first time two weeks ago. I recommend it as good escapism plus it’s funny. I laughed out loud many times.)
Fall Guy
Stunt judgment
Len stood at the rooftop’s edge, adrenaline coursing through his veins.
“This jump is nothing,” he shouted to his crew below. “I’ve nailed it a hundred times!”
“Len, think it through!” his director, Mark, pleaded. “The angle is off today!”
“I can handle it!” he yelled, though his confidence wavered.
With a deep breath, he launched himself into the air.
Mid-flight, panic set in as he realized the distance was far less than he’d calculated.
“Len!” Mark’s voice echoed in his earpiece. “Pull the chute now!”
His heart raced as he fought against gravity, the ground rushing up too fast.
Author’s Note
Look for a new One Hundred-Word Wonders prompt every third Wednesday in a month.
The next prompt will drop 19 February 2025.
Check out other writing prompts from: Erica Drayton, Microzine, Justin Deming’s Fifties by the Fire, and The Fiction Dealer’s Microdosing.
Pride/Humility | Greed/Generosity | Wrath/Joy | Envy/Contentment | Lust/Love | Gluttony/Temperance | Sloth/Vigor | Bartender | Journey | Abandon | Flight | Hibernate
My award-winning book of poetry and prose, The Edges, is available in digital and paperback formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Google Play, and Kobo.
Microfiction and poetry about words:
Wordplay, 18 January 2025
New Book: Immigrant Dreams
Immigrant Dreams, a collection of 33 poems celebrating the resilience and hope of those who dare to dream beyond borders, is available for preorder in digital and paperback formats.
Preorder at Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Apple | Tolino | Vivlio | Smashwords
PAID subscribers ONLY: please DM or email (caro.e.henry@gmail.com) your contact information for ONE free, signed paperback copy.
Publication Date: January 17, 2025.
Thanks very much for reading, subscribing, and sharing the stories, poetry, and essays in this space. If you like a story, poem, or essay please click on the heart. Also if you are so moved, please leave a comment.
The lesser of two evils
The armadillo wanders around my yard in the darkness of night, snuffling through mulch in search of insects to devour. At least a couple of times a week, I’m forced to rake over the lumpy messes he makes to keep my landscaping pristine. One night, I meet him face to face, and I pick up a heavy stone to heave at him. But as I cock my arm, I see him lap up what appears to be an enormous cockroach. He chews happily. I drop the rock. Looks like I’ll be doing a bit more raking tomorrow. In broad daylight.
Mine or Theirs
I thought I detected something in the corner,
Of the room, or my eye, or my mind?
Just beyond my reach,
Just beyond my control,
Something of the future?
Maybe from a dark place undefined.
Maybe from the playground of rich boys.
Who is pushing through the ionosphere?
Who dodges the eternal verities?
Forsaking sine qua non of the denizens
Making my decisions for me.
Leaving me with Hobson’s choice.
Were I able to discern and
Then of course, bring to bear
Due diligence of my stance.
Sway the view, save the masses, relish the unity.
Judgement: mine or theirs.