One Hundred-Word Wonders is a writing prompt that celebrates the marvel of storytelling in a concise form. Within the realm of micro-fiction, writers have mastered the art of crafting complete narratives in just a few sentences.
These bite-sized pieces should showcase the power of brevity, leaving readers in awe of the vast landscapes painted within a mere hundred words. 😏 So, how can a story be effectively told in such a limited space? Let's explore the possibilities together.
Themes for the first seven months this year come from one of the seven deadly sins, along with its antonym. Choose ONE of today’s themes for your 100-word piece.
Themes today are:
The word prompt today is:
Write in exactly 100 words, a story, poem, or creative non-fiction in any genre, choosing ONE theme and using the prompt word or its derivations (e.g., portent, portentous, etc.)as many times as you wish. The 100-word count does not include the title. Please use WordCounter or your writing software to ensure your piece is exactly 100 words.
The theme word does not have to be included in your piece but should reflect it in some way.
Place (copy and paste) your 100-word response to the prompt with its title in a comment below. If you’d like, publish on your own Substack site with a link back to this page.
Tap those little hearts on responses in the comment section, if you are moved to do so.
These prompts don’t have a deadline.
Two of my responses (one for each theme) are included below.
The wind whispered through the trees, a portent of change.
Cathy sat on the porch swing, her eyes fixed on the rolling hills. The world around her was in constant motion, always shifting and evolving.
Yet, amidst the chaos, Cathy found her anchor of contentment. The rhythm of nature, the vibrant colors of wildflowers, the barking fox, and the melody of birdsong brought her comfort.
In this tranquil haven, she embraced the beauty of each passing season, finding joy in the simple pleasures.
As the wind caressed her face, Cathy closed her eyes, grateful for the stillness within her heart.
Author’s Note
Look for a new One Hundred-Word Wonders prompt every third Wednesday in a month.
Thanks very much for reading, subscribing, and sharing the stories, poetry, and essays in this space. If you like a story, poem, or essay please click on the heart. Also if you are so moved, please leave a comment.
The omens were portentous. But a green hue of envy shrouded her perception and heightened her ambition. She craved their serenity. Dreams of gold-trimmed robes seduced her, imagination summoning the gasps of her people as the Priestess clasped sacred necklaces around her elegant throat. Chosen at last, she shook off her mother’s tearful embrace and drank deeply from a jewelled goblet. The fragrant potion stilled nagging doubts, numbing the abrasiveness of the chains and the cold boulder. Far beyond the city walls, alone, hearing the mighty roar, she wondered, too late, about the price the maidens paid for their serenity.
Choose Me
The omens were portentous. But a green hue of envy shrouded her perception and heightened her ambition. She craved their serenity. Dreams of gold-trimmed robes seduced her, imagination summoning the gasps of her people as the Priestess clasped sacred necklaces around her elegant throat. Chosen at last, she shook off her mother’s tearful embrace and drank deeply from a jewelled goblet. The fragrant potion stilled nagging doubts, numbing the abrasiveness of the chains and the cold boulder. Far beyond the city walls, alone, hearing the mighty roar, she wondered, too late, about the price the maidens paid for their serenity.
Oh, I wish I could be a bit more like Cathy, finding that peace within nature... wonderful works here!