One Hundred-Word Wonders is a writing prompt that celebrates the marvel of storytelling in a concise form. Within the realm of micro-fiction, writers have mastered the art of crafting complete narratives in just a few sentences.
These bite-sized pieces should showcase the power of brevity, leaving readers in awe of the vast landscapes painted within a mere hundred words. 😏 So, how can a story be effectively told in such a limited space? Let's explore the possibilities together.
Themes for the first seven months this year come from one of the seven deadly sins, along with its antonym. Choose ONE of today’s themes for your 100-word piece.
Themes today are:
Today, I present you with three prompt words:
Write in exactly 100 words, a story, poem, or creative non-fiction in any genre, choosing ONE theme and using the prompt words only once, in any order, and exactly as is. The 100-word count does not include the title. Please use WordCounter or your writing software to ensure your piece is exactly 100 words.
The theme word does not have to be included in your piece but should reflect it in some way.
Place (copy and paste) your 100-word response to the prompt with its title in a comment below. If you’d like, publish on your own site with a link back to this page.
Tap those little hearts on responses in the comment section, if you are moved to do so.
In the cozy saloon, a candle graced each sturdy table.
Peals of laughter followed a smiling troubadour as he entered with a crowd, whistling tunefully, tambourine flashing, bells jingling. A rat scurried across the floorboards, seeking cover.
The troubadour's eyes sparkled, his fingers seemingly itching to throw one of his bells at the scurrying rodent. Instead, the troubadour twirled to a table, chose a honey biscuit, and placed it near the rodent’s hiding spot.
The bartender grinned, playfully tossing a towel at the troubadour.
"Hey Claude, why did you go do that? Now, we'll have the happiest varmints in town!"
Author’s Note
Look for a new One Hundred-Word Wonders prompt every third Wednesday in a month.
An essay on Spring celebrations across religions and cultures:
The Spring Equinox, 23 March 2024
Thanks very much for reading, subscribing, and sharing the stories, poetry, and essays in this space. If you like a story, poem, or essay please click on the heart. Also if you are so moved, please leave a comment.
As Daniel said, it is hard not to slide off into the darkness with the theme and the prompts.
The Reckoning
Isolation had suited the long evenings spent reading the leather-bound Old Testament. But now her body ached from their brutality. In the flickering light of a church candle, the sole survivor of her Lord’s wrath struggled against the chafing twine, posed like the crucifix over the mantel. The woman grimaced as she smeared last Summer’s meadowland honey on his nakedness, stirring an unwelcome reaction and a lascivious grin. The belt secured the cage over his bucking hips, his unholy curses defiling her space. As the agitated rat sniffed hungrily at the honey-coated feast, she closed the door on his screams.
As Daniel said, it is hard not to slide off into the darkness with the theme and the prompts.
The Reckoning
Isolation had suited the long evenings spent reading the leather-bound Old Testament. But now her body ached from their brutality. In the flickering light of a church candle, the sole survivor of her Lord’s wrath struggled against the chafing twine, posed like the crucifix over the mantel. The woman grimaced as she smeared last Summer’s meadowland honey on his nakedness, stirring an unwelcome reaction and a lascivious grin. The belt secured the cage over his bucking hips, his unholy curses defiling her space. As the agitated rat sniffed hungrily at the honey-coated feast, she closed the door on his screams.
Great story and prompts, Caro. I’m afraid my story will probably be a wee bit darker as usual 😁