On the case for the divine mystery; let's go! Thanks Caro!

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Yes! You’re welcome, Ron.

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“Do we shape our destiny with each choice, Or are we mere pawns in a cosmic game?

Can beauty be found in the darkest night, Or does it only exist in light's grace?”

These lines capture perfectly a lot of the issues I wrestle with day to day and in my writing, Caro. Wonderfully done 👏

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Thank you, Dan!

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Brava! Exquisite

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Thank you, Gloria.

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In asking these questions, we're dancers with the universe, uncovering bits of its mystery. It's through our curiosity that we keep the flame burning bright.

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Yes! This!

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These are the deep questions that so many of us ask. But your eloquence deepens it even further.

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Thanks you, Jim!

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