I am really grateful for you, for bringing these thoughts into our consciousness. It's hard to have to think about, but, it's important, so that, as you wrote, we can pray (and act, when we can).

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Thank you, Sara! Yes!

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I like you 100 word limit. It's not a short novel, it's not a long Tweet. I've been doing 100 words every Monday Morning for 5 1/2 years; check out MONDAY MORNING MINUTE at https://markkolke.substack.com/ ... nearly 26,000 subscribers - sign up is free (or paid)

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I like the 100 word limit too. Your MONDAY MORNING MINUTE is great! I’ve been enjoying it for many months.

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Thanks, glad you like it. It began in September 2018 as marketing idea - together with two other coaches - one for serious athletes, one for c-suite executives and one for public speaking (me) we began; the idea was to give potential clients some meat on the bone for their weekly meetings. After a year of 'that not working' my two pals left it for me to continue, or not. We were at a few hundred and growing. When we came over to substack last March we were 24,500 ... and as of today, 25,865 ... so the pace of growth varies and the participation in our weekly poll (only since we came to substack and have that capability) grows each week; at first is was between 50-100 ... and this week it's over 1,500 who voted .. over 1,100 of those before 5:30AM .. so yay for loyalty!

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I would say that the majority of human beings long for peace. There are those, however, who's hearts are so evil and hardened and in constant striving for control. The warmongers. To pray for peace is to pray for the return of Jesus for there cannot be permanent peace until his return. Jesus tells us there will be wars and rumors of wars but that is not the end. In other words, there will be wars or threats of wars going on somewhere on the planet until he returns. There will be a final battle fought by the forces of good vs. evil with St Michael the Archangel and Satan at the helm. "See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet” (MT 24:6) So, yes, I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that we should continually pray for peace because earthly wars will end before the return of Jesus even if only on a temporary basis. May the peace of Christ dwell within your hearts now and forever.

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