This poem is part of the NaPoWriMo 2024 challenge to write a poem a day in April. This is the prompt for April 18.
Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem in which the speaker expresses the desire to be someone or something else, and explains why.
As I gaze upon the stars, planets, and galaxies with their mystic lights in the depths of night, I yearn for another identity.
Oh, how I yearn to be the wind, dancing through the trees, whispering secrets to the leaves. To be weightless, untethered, and free. For the wind knows not the burden of the human heart, carries no regrets, no sorrow. It effortlessly moves through the world, journeying over mountains and valleys, unaffected by duties or desires. It is unencumbered by the intricacies of the human experience, floating effortlessly in the domain of pure existence.
Or perhaps I dream of being a bird, soaring high above the earth. To feel the rush of air beneath my wings, defying gravity’s hold. See the world from above, and appreciate the beauty in every landscape, every city, every soul. The bird knows no boundaries, no limitations. It is the embodiment of freedom, effortlessly gliding through the boundless sky.
Maybe I yearn to become a tree deeply rooted in the earth. To stand tall and steadfast, weathering life’s tempests. To feel the gentle caress of the sun’s rays upon my leaves, nourishing me with its warmth. The tree knows the art of patience, of growth, and of resilience—a silent witness, embracing life’s cycles with grace.
In truth, it is not the wind, the bird, or the tree I desire to become. It is the essence of what they represent: the freedom, the boundlessness, the rootedness. Being someone or something else allows me to surpass my limitations, transcend my boundaries—a yearning for deeper connections, a longing to experience life differently.
Yet, as I gaze up at the night sky, I am reminded of the beauty that lies within the confines of my skin. It is my humanity that allows me to appreciate the wonder and complexity of this beautiful world.
So, I embrace the desire to be someone or something else but also cherish the unique essence that is inherently mine. Existence weaves together threads, beings, in an interconnected symphony. In this delicate dance, I find comfort, knowing I am part of something greater.
Author’s Note
This one took me by surprise. It was one of those times my brain would not shut off. I was in the zone. My intent was to write one thing I wished to be and why I wished it. My prose poem went far beyond that intention, but I decided to leave it intact.
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