Time Passages
Three 50-word stories
In a fleeting moment, my daughter transitioned from grasping my leg for support to driving herself to school.
Days melded seamlessly into years, until I sat gazing at her graduation cap.
Time, both unyielding and transient, taught me the lesson of cherishing passing moments before they fade into the past.
As the sun set, the ancient oak expelled a soft sigh, its branches swaying in the evening breeze.
Within its rustling leaves, echoes of past days emerged of loves lost and dreams fulfilled.
Seasons etched lines onto its weathered bark.
Time flowed, the oak stood steadfast, a sentinel bearing witness.
The passage of seasons transformed the world, adorning it with vibrant ever-changing hues.
Once lively leaves now cradled the earth in a tender embrace, their journey complete this autumn.
Time, that ceaseless march of moments like grains of sand sifting through an hourglass, etched lines of experience on his face.
2024 Copyright Caro Henry
Photo by Caro Henry
Time Passages was originally published in Sum & Substance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.