This poem is part of the NaPoWriMo 2024 challenge to write a poem a day in April. This is the prompt for April 8.
Today, we challenge you to write a poem that centers around an encounter or relationship between two people (or things) that shouldn’t really have ever met – whether due to time, space, age, the differences in their nature, or for any other reason.
Once upon A desolate shore, A rocky shore, Where tide pools Held tiny crabs and Other small creatures, He came across A recently hatched sea turtle, Its weary form Attesting to the unforgiving tides. With a tender, Reassuring touch, He cupped his hands Beneath its tiny body, Felt its struggle To survive Borne by an instinct, Deeply ingrained. He lifted it up and away From its watery prison, Placing it gently on the sand. It stilled for a few moments As if listening to the Unrelenting waves. Then, in two or three steps It caught a wave, Disappearing into the Foam-flecked ocean. Two beings saved On that desolate shore That rocky shore. As he cupped his hands Beneath the turtle’s body It was then… Yes, at that moment, It was then he decided Against walking into the Ocean’s beckoning maw. It was then he decided To live.
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