This poem is part of the NaPoWriMo 2024 challenge to write a poem a day in April. This is the prompt for April 22:
…today’s optional prompt. This one comes from the poet and fiction writer Todd Dillard, who provided this idea on his twitter account a few months ago. The idea is to write a poem in which two things have a fight. Two very unlikely things, if you can manage it. Like, maybe a comb and a spatula. Or a daffodil and a bag of potato chips. Or perhaps your two things could be linked somehow – like a rock and a hard place – and be utterly sick of being so joined. The possibilities are endless!
Sun and Rain confront, an ancient strife, In the realm where elements collide unseen. This conflict reflects the myth of long ago, Of the devil (sun) and his wife's (rain’s) fierce struggle. Golden rays and scorching heat, the Sun's power, Ruling the sky with its fiery glow. From the heavens above, Rain descends with great force, Challenging the Sun's dominion, unyielding in its course. The sky becomes the battlefield, where clouds gather and spin, Caught amidst these forces, in a cosmic whirlwind. Through the thick veil of clouds, the Sun's rays break free, In its quest to find the essence of Rain, understand its purpose. Yet, Rain persists, showering the earth with its gentle touch, Nurturing and nourishing all that resides beneath its watery embrace. In this celestial struggle, a dance of tempestuous proportions, The Sun and Rain engage in an eternal flow. Like the devil and his wife, their conflict not born of malice, But an innate nature to coexist in the light of contrast. Sun and Rain serve as a reminder of the dance we partake, Of opposites entwined in life's intricate embrace. Light and dark, joy and sorrow, love and heartbreak, All part of nature's balance, the cosmic ebb and flow.
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