Wind up release spin
Thump in the catcher’s worn mitt
Strike! Summer beckons
Strike! Summer beckons
Beneath the stadium lights
Crowds roar with delight

Crowds roar with delight
Crack of the bat drives runs in
Victory this night

Victory this night
Dreams fulfilled as sparkling bright
Fireworks fill the sky
Pitcher’s Game

Fastball flies through air Strike three! The crowd roars in awe Pitcher's perfect form Curveball spins and dips Batters swing in vain and miss Pitcher's crafty art Slider glides with grace Confounds the hitter's timing Pitcher's mastery Changeup floats softly Batters fooled into swinging Pitcher's finesse shines Knuckleball dances Flutters with mystique and grace Pitcher's magic touch With each pitch he throws A symphony of skilled grace Pitcher’s talent shines
Author’s Note
I connected the first four haiku by starting each consequent stanza with the last line of the one preceding it.
The haiku chain about the pitcher is not based on any one pitcher, but is what I envision as the perfect pitcher. 😉
Want to try your hand at writing haiku? Write a baseball themed haiku using the 5-7-5 form and post in a comment below.
Credits for photos used in the video I created (with the help of Canva) to introduce this post on Instagram and other social media, go to Jose Francisco Morales on Unsplash, Tim Gouw on Unsplash, Ameer, and Anna Stakhiv.
A recurring dream:
Dreaming Words, 6 April 2024
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