Lest We Forget
Empathy fades away like a neglected flower in the chaotic rhythm of life.
The relentless spinning of the world blurs the boundaries between reality and apathy.
The constant flood of news and updates on our screens numbs us to the rawness of human emotion.
Despite the chaos, something innate urges us to awaken our dormant empathy.
Our souls contain a wellspring of compassion, ready to be tapped and shared with kindness and understanding.
It’s an urgent plea to reconnect with our shared humanity, a call to action.
Let’s not forget to pause, breathe, and consider more than just ourselves. To connect, to empathize, to provide support for others’ pain. Let empathy awaken the compassion within us, leading us to a kinder world.
2024 Copyright Caro Henry
Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash
Lest We Forget was originally published in Sum & Substance on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.