1. In twilight's grasp, where shadows cling, The air, thick with the scent of rain, Stirs memories like dust beneath phantom hooves, Ghostly riders drifting on the dim horizon's edge. A lone figure emerges, cloaked in night, Silhouette framed by the dying sun’s last breath, His heart a tempest, mirroring the darkening sky, Each beat a reminder of grief, of yearning, Where lost souls weave through the fabric of twilight. He rides, a vessel of sorrow, Haunted by tales of cowboys in the heavens, Bound to the skies, yearning for redemption, Their spirits herding cattle through unending night, As he seeks solace, the weight of regrets draping heavy. 2. Where are you headed, old friend? A voice breaks the stillness, echoing through shadows A spirit long departed, yet not forgotten; The rider turns, eyes reflecting a night of solitude, His voice raw, an unspent storm— I seek peace, but the past clings like a shadow. Together, they gallop through the gathering storm, The wind howling warnings of fate, Lightning flashes, illuminating faces etched in sorrow; Ghost riders galloping across a canvas of despair, Reminders of struggles shared, battles fought. 3. Look! the comrade points to churning clouds, Spectral herds approach, they come for us. The rider’s heart quickens, a pulse of fear and wonder; A cacophony of ghostly whinnies fills the air, Stirring something deep, a longing unfulfilled. Will they take me with them? he breathes, Or am I destined to wander, chasing shadows? The spirit nods, solemn understanding woven in silence, Redemption lies not in escape, but in facing loss, Only then can you find the peace you seek. 4. Determined, he pushes forward, Merging shadows of the past with the present, Whispers of lost loved ones entwining with the wind, Guiding him toward acceptance, a calm unfurling, As he rides into the storm’s heart, embracing the thunder. Rain falls, a cleansing balm for weary spirits, Each drop a reminder that renewal blooms in darkness, The rider perseveres, the storm a symphony, Thunder rumbling, echoing the lament of his heart, While ghost riders flicker, ephemeral in the gusty winds. 5. Why do you haunt me? he shouts into the chaos, What do you seek? The wind swallows his voice; Silence answers, enveloping him in stillness, Their gaze a transcendent understanding. A warm whisper emerges from the rain's embrace— Face us, we are not your enemies, but echoes of your past. 6. The rider realizes they embody his journey, The essence of choices made, paths taken, With courage igniting within, he steers toward them, Light illuminating the darkness, urging connection, Faces familiar, beloved, woven with threads of memory. Forgive me, he whispers, tears mingling with rain, I was lost, consumed by fears, unable to let go. The ghost riders pause, shimmering, Considering his words, their nod a resonance of shared burdens, One speaks, its voice like rustling leaves— Forgiveness is not an end but a beginning. Embrace your journey. 7. Warmth envelops him, easing the ache of loss, As the storm subsides, dark clouds parting. Stars blanket the sky, a tapestry of hope, The ghost riders glow softly, laughter lingering, Fading into the night, their essence forever entwined. Bittersweet smile graces his lips, understanding dawns— Redemption lies not in escape but in embrace, In learning from the past, allowing it to guide, The rider rides on, the night deepening, A heart transformed, forever echoing with whispers of the storm.
Author’s Note
The haunting melodies of Johnny Cash’s Ghost Riders in the Sky inspired me to write this narrative cowboy ghost poem. I was captivated by the themes of longing, duty, and the struggle between light and darkness in the song’s lyrics. The ghostly riders, with their melancholic presence, serve as reminders of the choices we make and the paths we follow. Each carries its burdens, echoing the life and loss that define the human experience.
Check out other Halloween/horror-themed posts at the Halloween link
My new book, The Edges, is now available in digital and paperback formats
October’s writing prompt:
One Hundred-Word Wonders, 16 October 2024
For those who want a head start, the theme and prompt word is ABANDON. Write in exactly 100 words, a story, poem, or creative non-fiction in any genre, using the theme, prompt word, or both. Pieces should be exactly 100 words, no more or less. The 100-word count does not include the title. Hold your piece until the 16th!
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