Do you ever dream of words? Those delicate threads of meaning woven into the fabric of our thoughts, entangling our emotions, and creating a symphony of imagination. They are the essence of our existence, the building blocks of communication, and yet, they possess a quality that transcends the boundaries of reality.
As the morning sun crept through my window, I stirred from slumber, still grasping fragments of a dream. It was a dream of writing, one where I plucked airborne words as they formed, like flowers in a meadow. This dream had visited me before, but never in such a mesmerizing fashion. Letters danced around me, scrambling words, suspended in the ethereal atmosphere, as if they were creatures from another realm, benevolent and enchanting. An air of friendliness, an otherworldly charm captivated my senses. With closed eyes, I yearned to capture the essence of these floating, drifting, airborne letters and words, hoping to decipher their meaning. Were they trying to impart something profound? I never knew as they cunningly slipped through my grasp, vanishing into a mist of elusive thoughts, hidden within the enigmatic folds of my mind. As I reluctantly opened my eyes, the words had vanished, leaving behind a delicate residue in the soft morning light. But, I possessed this poem, a distillation of that ephemeral experience, a tangible token of the magic that had danced within my dreams.
Do you ever dream of words? Those fragments of meaning that possess the ability to transport us to worlds both known and unknown? They are the whispers of our subconscious, the lullaby of our imagination. So, close your eyes, let your dreams unfurl, and let the words dance upon your mind's canvas, painting a masterpiece that only you can behold.
Author’s Notes
I wrote the words above in November 2023, amid a concentrated effort to write the first draft of my book. I really did dream of trying to capture words.
By the way, I scheduled this post before I decided to participate in NaPoWriMo 2024. Look for more double postings this month.
Credits for photos used in the video I created (with the help of Canva) to introduce this post on Instagram and other social media, go to Luka, Bartek, and airdone.
Coming-of-age stories:
Hello, Young Lovers! , 13 April 2024
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