This poem is part of the NaPoWriMo 2024 challenge to write a poem a day in April. This is the prompt for April 10.
Ezra Pound famously said that “poetry is news that stays news.” While we don’t know about that, the news can have a certain poetry to it. Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a poem based on one of the curious headlines, cartoons, and other journalistic tidbits featured at Yesterday’s Print, where old new stays amusing, curious, and sometimes downright confusing.
At the end of a day, With my wild curls untamed, Mother diligently toiled, Unraveling each tangled knot. Once the chaos sat untangled, Before plaiting my locks into one, Mother rhythmically brushed the strands, Creating a harmonious symphony. Lifting my curls off my nape, Running her fingers then the brush, Lifting, smoothing, brushing, A musical piece all its own. The gentle pressure of the brush Against my scalp, a tender massage, Soothing away the burdens I carried; A deep, delicious caress of comfort. As she brushed my hair, I surrendered to her touch, The rhythm and gentleness, Guiding me to a tranquil place. Closing my eyes, I felt the weight Of the day lifting from my shoulders; Occasionally, drowsiness overtook, As I succumbed to her loving care. Years passed, and the ritual returned, As I held the brush in my hands, Repaying the love she bestowed, Gently brushing her thinning, gray hair. Each brush stroke, one of love, Caressing her scalp with tender bristles, Knowing it brought her comfort, As she closed her weary eyes. In those quiet moments, Our bond grew stronger, Transcending the limits of time, A language of love, unspoken yet felt. I cherish those tender times, The deep delicious brushing of My mother's hair, finding solace, In my memories and enduring love.
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This is a wonderful ritual that most people can relate to in one way or the other.
Lovely poem. Thanks for sharing