This prose poem is part of the NaPoWriMo 2024 challenge to write a poem a day in April. This is the prompt for April 3.
Today, we’d like to challenge you to write a surreal prose poem.
I met him, a creature of the night, in the moonlit garden where roses bloomed with thorns like jagged dreams. His eyes, like pools of midnight ink, reflected the torment of a thousand lost souls.
His curse, a tempest that raged within him, denied him the warmth of the sun. His skin, pale as moonlight, concealed a thirst that could never be quenched. He was a creature of perpetual hunger, forever yearning for the warmth of life's elixir.
His touch, like velvet against my skin, whispered secrets of a forbidden desire. As he drew me into his nocturnal embrace, I succumbed willingly, entwining my fate with his, my heart both fearful and intoxicated by the promise of eternal nights.
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